1. Of or relating to the regions of the universe distinct from the Earth.
2. Infinitely or inconceivably extended; vast[Greek kosmikos, from kosmos, universe.]
This website will consist of absolute INFINITE KNOWLEDGE. Everything posted on this website will include information about the universe and how everything connects. There was once a great archive center known as the Royal Library of Alexandria which was located in Egypt roughly 2200 years ago. In this Grande library was the containment of the world's knowledge and recollections of the world's history. The Library no longer exists. The Satanists burned it down to prevent humanity from acquiring the truth too early and stopping the Ancient Luciferian Regime. This website, I will make the new Library; containing the records of the world. All are welcome to bring me information that they feel should be in this blog, however if I feel any disinformation exists within the premise; the entirety of the wordings shall be vindictively thrown out.
The Main topics I shall outline in addition to the Library Documents Are as Follows:
- Occult Science. ( What is it, who started it, and what has it evolved into? )
- Psi-Ops Programs. ( Ranging from Abductions, the Black Budget, to Financial Terrorism )
- Media. ( Modern Day proof of Zionism Influence, Scientific Explanations of Mind-Control, etc.)
- Corporate Structure of the System. ( Where does it start, How is it funded, when will it end?)
- Modern New Age Talk. ( Debunking of New Age Movement, 2012, Mayan Prophecy Connection.)
- What is the Matrix? ( Breaking down Matrix into applicable reasoning, Symbolism, Mathematics)
- Know thy Enemy. ( Who is thy Enemy, where cometh it from, What does it want?)
There will be many more ideas, topics, and theories discussed and intrinsically broken down; this is just an outline of everything.
As I post my take on words in this world, I will like to add personal stories that pertain to the topic at hand; this is strictly voluntary and you will remain anonymous.