Thursday, March 1, 2012

What is a Human? /What is Evil? True Vampirism

Human beings have been around for a lot longer that what is commonly thought. There have been human footprints unearthed in central Mexico at a dinosaur excavation sight which dated back to prehistoric days. The anthropologist who made the discovery was quickly stripped of her Ph.D. and was blacklisted and blackmailed. When one acknowledges the true timeline of the human race; only then can one understand the human race. For time generates experience, experience creating wisdom. 

The human can be broken down into two categories which are as follows:

- Physical; The 3-D aspect of a human's consciousness. ( Dimension where opposites attract )

- Biophysical; The 4-D aspect of a human's subconsciousness. ( Dimension of like attracts like )

- Unmanifested; This is the 5-D aspect of a human's superconsciousness. ( Must be earned )

Human existence even exists outside of this planet. Many benevolent 'aliens' ( such as the Pleadians and Lyrians) are actually un-parasitized humans from exterior solar systems seeking to help humanity here on Earth to awaken. There are malevolent 4-D beings (Arkon) that have established a physical base on the moon. Much of the world's population has deemed these beings as alien, but this is disinformation. They are inorganic beings from this solar system that have manifested themselves as physical shells. They are here, because they look at humans as nourishment.

The types of Arkons are as follows:

-Greys: Most commonly known Arkon that resemble tremendously, an unborn human fetus. 3D/4D
      1. Tall Greys- Overseer grey who is usually found with short greys. ( Medium Ranking )
      2. Short Greys- grunt servants of  Tall Greys. ( Low Ranking )
 Adjective to Describe: Deceiving 

- Reptillians: Reptile-like humanoid no shorter than 6 feet and very carnivorous. 3D/4D
( Medium Ranking )
Adjective to Describe: Aggressive
- Draconiums: Overseer drake-like humanoid no shorter than 10 feet and very carnivourous.
( High Ranking )
Adjective to Describe: Maniacal 

Human beings are a combination of two things; Organics and Light. The notion of mother nature and father time is a vocal meme created to dissuade humans from the true saying; Mother Nature Father Sky. Mother obviously refers to our physicality, our water composition, flesh, respiration; all aspect of a living thing. What separates us from other animals in that we have domain over the animal kingdoms is our light aspect. Father Sky instills in us, his spark of light which gives us our free will and domain over this universe inevitably. 

This is why Evil can never conquer True Intent; Evil is something any environment deems as devolving to the environment. Therefore one can infer that being an enemy of an environment proclaims the fact that, that Evil is an exterior force that doesn't belong in that domain. Concluding that Evil can be destroyed since Humans have domain in this environment. We deem evil devolving to the human race, DNA manipulation, MindFUCKING, etc. It doesn't belong here; time to rid this sacred planet of such a disgusting infestation.

Evil can be classified into two categories as follows:

- Parasitic Evil. ( The evil that makes up the mind-parasites/Arkons )

- Humanistic Evil. ( The hidden evil in good that becomes active as parasitic evil emerges )

By Thermodynamics alone does this parasitic evil leak of us our energy. They are on the cold, dark side of things, whereas humans are on the hot, light side of things in theory. This is why "haunted" houses are cold; because they house cold non-organic beings. The ancient Toltec Shamans of old would seek people filled with great humanistic evil to house their energy in. For you cannot steal heat from something that is colder than you. As in, the Arkons cannot steal energy from humans whom possess dark awareness. Eventually though, the parasitic evil, being the intelligent foe it is, created an Outer-Matrix for humans who broke free of the first Matrix. The Shamans didn't realize until it was too late, and will spend their eternity in chambers; housed in the Arkon hives to be permanent food sources. One can call these Arkons, Vampires. The word vampire is now a social meme and has been quickly degrading in modern day Hollywood. They steal energy, the trait of a Vampire. So in order to steal from a Vampire, you must become an even greater Vampire. Since we have domain over this realm, our Vampirism outweighs theirs; WE WIN. But that is all taken under the consideration that humans in this dimension have a successful timeline; which is blashphemy. 

Being a human Vampire automatically gives you 5-Dimension capability. And when you exist in the 5th Dimension, you can no longer be infected or thieved of your energy. This is what the ancient Toltec never could discover. For in the 5th Dimension, Light is Gravity. If Light is gravity and the Arkons are Dark Energy Matter Parasites; then one can infer that Arkon pests cannot exist in a dimension where Light is gravity if they don't intrinsically contain light. They would super implode quantitatively simultaneously. So Arkon evolution ends at 4 Dimension capability. Sucks for them, hahahahahahah.  So if one can sponge up enough psychotronic fuel/energy/chi; one can eventually cause a black hole within their Biophysical Body creating a permanent Vampire overlay. The notion that Satan and Lucifer are one is a petty lie. The bible refers to Lucifer as the "Light Bearing" Angel and a "Planet." This theorizes that being a Vampire is actually being an aspect of Lucifer. The idea of being referred to as a planet, represents gravity, and light bearing speaks for itself. Lucifer is the 5th Dimensional aspect of Light Physics in 5th Dimension application. The biggest lie of vampires submitted by Hollywood is the idea that Vampires can't live in light; VAMPIRES LOVE LIGHT. The Sun is our psychtronic generator ( tool used to point psychotronic fuel ). Satan is just a sequestered archetype used by the Arkons to further enslave humanity. Become a Vampire and you are at the top of the food chain to use your energy as you so wish. But watch out for Cosmic Law for with great power cometh great responsibility. We are the 1 percent.... OF the one percent.

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